After recieving the feedback for my first draft digipak and advertisement I have decided to make many changes in addition to my main decision to use drawn images rather than photographs. These are some of the changes I plan to make:
Within my digipak I am going to change/remove several element. The first change i'm going to make is to remove the lyrics. I want to do this because I think the lyrics make my digipak appear far too cluttered and ruin the simplicity of the basic appearance I want the album to have. However, I still intend to use some text within the digipak and I am therefore going to include credits, disclaimers and further copyright information that I had not previously included in my first draft. The image on the right shows a mock-up version of my 'credit insert' for my digipak. I intend to use a very faint version of the main artist image from the cover within the background of this insert as shown here in the mock-up.
As I am no longer using photographs this also leaves my with 3 pannels of my digipak to be filled. To fill these spaces I am going to use my drawings of 1950's and album related objects to have a simplistic but statement appearance. The image on the right shows one of my new panels. I think these basic outline drawings will work really well when the digipak is put all together.
As well as changing the photographs to drawings on my advert, as I have within my digipak, there are again other changes I intend to make. These changes are mainly to do with the text. Within my feedback I was told the font was too large so I have reduced this down considerably, I also felt that as it took up too much room, it ruined the simplistic look I want my poster to have. I have added some effects to the text down the right hand side of my poster to make certain words/phrases/information stand out without increasing it's size. These effects includes outer glows, drop shadows and bevel. I have also made the web address at the bottom of the poster larger and added in the websites logo to help draw attention to it without making it too large the image above shows this change. In addition to this I will include a Facebook address and possibly also the artists website address on my final advert. The picture below, on the left, shows the main text with its alterations, this is not to scale, but shows the variations in font and editing. I have also however, considered using the same font for all of the text and use the same editing through out the text. If I do this I would use the 'Channel' font as this matches the title and artist's name on the advert, I also feel this will help the text stand out as a whole. The picture below on the right shows this.

On my first draft advertisement the main image used was one from the digipak but not the cover image, however I used a small image of the album within the advert. For my final advertisement I intend to remove the smaller image, as I felt this didn't fit in with the rest of the adverts overall appearance. I also intend to change the main image to the same image that is used on the cover of my digipak as I feel this will make my products work better together with more continuity between them.
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