Digipak Research: 1950's Influences
1950's Adverts
This is an advertisement for hair rollers from the 1950's. I really like the colour scheme used within the advert as it has a very vintage and retro look which matches that of our artist and music video. The use of just the pale pink as the main colour works really well as it has a subtle appearance. The black and white photos also contrast really well with the sepia background and pale pink. I think I will try to incorporate this basic but vintage colour scheme into my digipak and advert. However, I would chose to use much more interesting font as I think the font here doesn't fit very well with the overall advert.
I really like the retro look within this 1950's Coco-Cola Overseas advert, I think the colour scheme works really well as it captures the era and has a very vintage feel, however I plan to use a much simpler colour pallet containing a few distinct colours, such as the 3-colour pallet within the hair rollers advert above. I do however, much prefer the text used within this advert for 'overseas', as I think it also really captures the era and has a distinctive appearance. I would like to use text similar to this within my digipak and poster advertisement, perhaps within a logo for my artist.
1950's Music Album Cover
I really like the retro and vintage look of this album cover, and the idea of using a 1950's american diner as this fits well with the ideas in the video and our artist.
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