I really like this album advertisement as it's simple but effective. I like the use of a photo of the artist as the main focus on the advert. I also like the boldness of the artist's name against the simplicity of the basic colour scheme in use. I think the idea of using the artist as a focal point could work really well for my advertisement. I also think the use of a striking text could help to emphasis the style of the album.
I like the bright colours within the colour scheme as this reflects the pop genre of music, however I would like to make my advertisement and digipak to have a less heavy feel which is created here through the use of dark colours.
The Hotlines - Self named debut album
I like the vintage and retro appearance of this advert, this is the kind of style I would like to achieve with my advert as it would clearly show the 1950's era. I also like the worn paper effect used, this is similar to the background I have used within my digipak, so could be something I use again for the advertisement for continuity. I like the simplicity of this advert, the way the image is faded into the background allows the text to stand out, emphasising the band name. I also like that they have included their myspace address and website address, this is something i can easily incorporate into my own magazine advertisement.
Florence and the Machine - Lungs
I like the idea that this advertisement in an 'extension' of the album cover as they have used the album artwork and added the information about the album release underneath. However, I think there is an overuse of varied font sizes here which makes the advertisement appear cluttered.
I like the way the different platforms that the album is available on are listed along the bottom, this is another feature I could use within my own advert.
Britney Spears - Circus
I like the simplicity of this 'circus poster' style advertisement. It perfectly captures the ideas behind the album and the style the artist wants to achieve. It also stands out as it contains a simple 3-colour colour pallet, but has interesting elements, such as fonts, to make it unique. I would like to achieve this sort of statement advertisement for my artist's album that similarly clearly reflects the style of the artist, which in my artist's case is vintage1950's and retro American diners.
Beyonce- 4
I like the plain simplicity of this advertisement, however this has been achieved through a lack of information as the advertisement contains no information about the release etc. However, I like the basic colour pallet within this advert as it has a really strong and powerful look, I also like the use of the album cover as an icon within the advertisement.
Kings of Leon - Come Around Sundown
I really like the simplicity of this advertisement, the basic colour scheme works really well as it makes the text stand out and makes the advert a statement overall as it would stand out well and be eye catching within a magazine. This sort of sepia colour scheme is something I would like to use myself within my own magazine advertisement as I think it has a really strong retro feel that would work well with the theme of our artist and her album. I would however add in an element of colour to create more interest as I think the advert could become lost with an overuse of just a spectrum of sepia colours.
Marina and the Diamonds - The Family Jewels
This album advertisement for 'The Family Jewels' has a really unique look which helps the advert stand out. The unconventional image of the artist creates an interesting focal point for the advert and stops the image being lost being the photo of the album cover at the bottom and all the text within the advertisement. The colour scheme within the advert is fairly basic, following the conventional 3 colour pallet, which in this case contains brown, cream/white and pale pink. The colours work really well and are similar to the type of colours I would intend to use; again this advert uses a sepia type colour basis which works well at making the advert have a retro/vintage appearance, I think this is really effective and therefore something I would definitely use within my own advert. The additional pink colour helps to highlight and emphasise certain elements within the advert, it also helps to create variation within the advert so it doesn't all appear to similar and lost, for these reasons I intend to use a third colour within my advert.
Ellie Goulding - Lights
I think this album advertisement is a really good example of a pop genre magazine advertisement. The use of a main image of the artist works really well here and is similar to the sort of image I would like to use within my own advertisement. The colour scheme is also really strong, as although it is basic and minimal it creates a statement and makes the artist herself, her name and the album title stand out really effectively.
The use of graphics on the image, which would've been produced during the editing stage, work really well and help to simply, but effectively, reflect the idea behind the album and its title 'Lights'. This emphasis on the title and theme is something I want to achieve within my own advertisement and digipak, how I do this will probably be very different to the example here, but I will use the idea of using editing effects within photoshop to create a ghost-like theme.
Plan B - The Defamation of Strickland Banks
This advertisement isn't as relevant to my own advertisement as it is from a different genre of music, however I think there are many conventional element that work really well here that are easily adaptable for my own genre and overall product. The main feature of this advertisement that I like is the layout. I think the way in which this advert is set out works really well as it is clear and uncluttered and still stands out. The use of a 'header' for the artist name works well, as it is eye catching and immediately grabs the readers attention when looking through a magazine. I also like the positioning of the image of the artist on the right and all of the text on the left, this makes the advert really clear without appearing too basic. The 3 colour pallet also works really effectively here, and although I would use different colours, I can see that this look would be easily achievable within my own advertisement.
Green Day - American Idiot
Similarly to the album advertisement above this advert has less relevance to my own products as it is a entirely different music genre and overall appearace being created. However, again, this advert has a really effective and simplistic layout. The use of a main image on the right and all text on the left creates a distinctive and powerful look for this advert and the 3 colour pallet helps to emphasise this.
This advert differs from the overall look I wish to acheive myself as it does not contain a main image of the artist like I intend to. However, the main image on the advert is the cover art from their album. This is an idea I want to use as it helps to improve continuity between my products and gives the artist a more distinctive image and a more recognisable media campaign.
This album advertisement is very different to others I have looked at, but I really like the distinctive and eye-catching look it has due to it's individual look. The unique drawing style used makes the advert stand out and intrigues the reader to look at it, making it a very effective magazine advert. The use of bright colours also helps to keep it in line with the conventional appearance of other adverts within the same 'pop' genre. Looking at this sort of advert really inspires me to draw my own images for my digipak and advertisement, however, I feel this colour either be really effective or look lost when using a 3 colour pallet as opposed to many bright colours like those used here in Mika's advert.
Kings of Leon - Only By The Night
I really this advertisement as I feel it has a really good balance of simplicity and complexity. Although the advert overall doesn't have the pop genre appearance I want, I really like the effectiveness of some elements within this advert. I really like the simple look of the advert and its basic layout, the positioning of the artist's name and album title above and below the main image uses the conventional rule of thirds to its advantage making it eye-catching. I think the image works really well as it is a complex image with many elements edited in, which makes the image intruiging, grabbing the reader. The main idea I would take from this advert is the layout, as I think it has a really clear, statement look.
My Advertisement - Planning
Lexi and the Spectrum - Ghosts
From this research and evaluation of other magazine advertisements I have found several elements that have inspired me for my own advert and given me ideas on elements I would like to include myself. The first is my colour scheme, looking at these advertisements has made me decide to use a 3 colour pallet within my advertisement of sepia brown colours, pink or red, and either very dark brown or white for emphasis on certain elements. I think this will work really well and ties in with the colour scheme I plan to use for my digipak, creating continuity throughout my products. All the advertisements I have looked at contain images from the album artwork as either their main image and focus point or a smaller element of the advert such as an image of the actual album. Due to this I intend to make the main image on my advertisement the same as the one on my album cover, or the cover itself to appear on the advert. I also intend to make the artist the central focus of the whole advertisement as I think this will help to make it stand out, eye catching and obvious when seen in a magazine.
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